Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Recovery and Redemption

I really enjoyed my two days at the Clay Expressions Conference last week, I hung out, I chatted, and I watched. I sat in on the workshops by Rimas Vis Girda, Randy Schmidt, Paul Wandless, Melisa Cadell and Richard Zakin. Although I have done the clay transfer / monoprinting process before, that Paul was demonstrating, doing it with the group at the conference made me rexamine the process and what possibilites it holds for me.

My biggest realization though was that my work has been lacking a unified theme for quite some time. I have drifted through different expressive avenues without a sense of an underlying theme or purpose behind the work. So, although my newer work may have appeared similar to older work, it was becoming lifeless. Why did this realization take me two years? Maybe the lack of dreaming time that comes with looking after a small child full-time, or the sleep-deprivation, or my own over-confidence. So bear with me while I rummage around in the attic of my brain, and start making some new connections. (Can I get hip coordinating new color storage systems for my brain?)

In the meantime, while I was at Amaco on Monday (being photographed with the green modeling clay. I am a spokesmodel?) I finally got around to taking my own pics of the demo pieces on display there. This one is my self-portrait as a William Blake.

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Curious about the conference. where and who sponsored it? Am thinking about taking your class at the art center to learn about your construction technique.