Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Summer Project

Self-Portrait as Modersohn-Becker

Self-Portrait as Kirchner

Friday, January 12, 2007

Crack that Whip

I have been getting a little studio time in over the past few months, but not as much as I would like. Is it ever as much as I would like?

But I have to get moving on some projects, as I have a few commitments to attend to. Nothing to show in pictures yet, so I will insert a recipe instead, from the Glaze Handbook,

Colored Stain
EPK -- 1 part
Frit --1 Part
Oxide -- 1 part

My favorite way of mixing this is with Frit 3124, and copper carbonate for a celadon green in oxidation or some flashing in reduction. I also use it with Mason Stain, like a cobalt-bearing Black. It works with low-fire and high fire, oxidation and reduction, with or without a glaze. It is more economical and has a nicer surface than oxide alone.